
Acetone and uses

Acetone is a transparent colorless, evaporates rapidly, low boiling point, flammable liquid, with a strong sweet smell. Acetone is completely soluble in water, alcohol, hydrocarbons and other organic solvents. It is also soluble in grease and most plastics.

Acetone has many applications in industries such as: the primary ingredient in nail polish remover, a solvent to deliver different chemicals in comestic products. In health, common drugs tend to use acetone as an excipient. Acetone can also remove sticky substances from cotton, fibers, grease on metals or water and debris in electronic devices. Acetone also protects the environment by removing oil spills from surface water, marine plants or animals. Due to its high volatility, Acetone is used to produce quick-drying paint, quick-drying printing ink, and as an additive for gasoline to make it easier to diffuse inside engines.

Products Specification:






Appearance None Visual Clear
Color, Pt-Co None ASTM D1209 5
Density at 20°C g/cm­­3 ASTM D4052 0.7900-0.7930
Distillation, IBP °C ASTM D1078 55.1
Distillation, DP °C ASTM D1078 57.1
Purity %wt GC 99.5
Water %wt ASTM E1064 0.50
Non-Volatile matter g/100mL ASTM D1353 0.005
Refractive Index at 20°C None ASTM D1218 1.3560-1.3620

Material Safey Data Sheet MSDS  of Acetone